The Queen enters the ritual space for a short time before the others to build up the energy of the Hive-Temple. She stands quietly in the West visualizing the Holy Seal above her, and channels the energy of the Egregore through her down into the Circle, filling it with a brilliant white radiance.
Next, all others enter, the Overseer last of all. They circle the Altar three times deosil, then take their places. The Overseer in the East, and all others distributed through the cross-quarter points. The Overseer takes up the thurible and censes each of the Quarters, starting with East. Then he places the thurible down in the East. The Overseer gives a gesture of greeting to the Queen, and she returns it. The ritual commences:
Queen: Let the Temple of our Hive be opened.
Overseer: In the ancient manner, it shall be done.
Overseer goes to East, makes pentagram, and holds Incense aloft, invoking:
In the name of the Lord of the Earth, I open the East. I welcome Raphael, Regent of the Powers of Air, He who heals all wounds. Let the Currents of the Buoyant Wind blow forth, that they may aid our Wings in flight.
Overseer goes to South, makes pentagram, and holds lit Candle aloft, invoking:
In the name of the Lord of the Earth, I open the South. I welcome Michael, Regent of the Powers of Fire, He who calms all strife. Let the Rays of the Gleaming Sun shine forth, that they may lend their warmth to our hearts.
Overseer goes to West, makes pentagram, and holds Chalice aloft, invoking:
In the name of the Lord of the Earth, I open the West. I welcome Gabriel, Regent of the Powers of Water, He who is great in Love. Let the Showers of the Life-Giving Rain flow forth, that they may give us fertile fields.
Overseer goes to North, makes pentagram, and holds the Rose aloft, invoking:
In the name of the Lord of the Earth, I open the North. I welcome Uriel, Regent of the Powers of Earth, He who is Guardian of all Creatures that roam the Land. Let the Meadows of the Blossoming Earth flower forth, that they may sustain us and provide for us.
Overseer returns to the East, faces the Queen, and says:
Queen of the Temple of the Hive, all is ready.
Queen responds: Let the Work proceed.
Overseer faces Altar, and says:
By the authority of the Opener of the Ways, and the Manu El-heh-sedek, I declare this Temple of the Mysteries to be open. The intention of this working will be to mediate the energies of Love, Harmony, and Fellowship to the Egregore of the Alexandrian Fraternity, the symbol of which is the Honey-Bee.
Overseer turns to face Queen again, and says:
Queen of the Hive, the Way of Light is an arduous Path. Our course is fraught with obstacles to be overcome and temptations to be resisted. Though there are companions and guideposts along the Way, our Path is a solitary one, and we are sometimes beset with loneliness and confusion. We forget our duties and our purpose. Dear Queen, that we may not falter in our Work, remind us of our beginnings. From whence do we hail?
Queen: Long ago, at the end-time of the Third Swarm of Divine Sparks, the Way-Shower Melchizedek brought Three Gifts from Venus to Earth for the Fourth Swarm. The first Gift was the Bee, to provide honey, as well as to teach that much can be accomplished by working together in harmony. The second Gift was Grain, and was meant to nourish, as well as to teach that Many come from the One. The third Gift was Asbestos, to protect from Fire, as well as to teach that some things may burn, yet remain unconsumed.
Overseer: Whom do we serve?
Queen: We serve the Most High.
Overseer: How do we serve?
Queen: With Honor and Humility.
Overseer: What is our purpose?
Queen: To collect the Nectar of the Rose and transform it into the Gold of Honey.
Overseer: Whom does this benefit?
Queen: Those who have gone before, that their work may not have been in vain; Those who are yet to come that they may build upon our work; and last of all, ourselves.
Overseer: Why last of all, ourselves?
Queen: Love of All is the guiding force of the Hive. Love of All is Love of Self, but Love of Self is not Love of All.
Overseer: And if, perchance, that Love fails?
Queen: It must not fail.
Overseer: Then with speed let us work to that end. Brothers and Sisters, let us build the image of the Holy Seal of our Fraternity in our minds.
All present should now work to build an astral image of the Holy Seal of the Alexandrian Fraternity, about three feet in diameter, hanging motionless above the central Altar. Build it as clearly and vibrantly as possible. For this reason, each person participating in the ritual should have carefully studied the Seal beforehand. Give at least a full five minutes for this. When the designated time is up, the Overseer speaks.
Overseer: The Holy Seal is firmly fixed on the Inner Planes. Let us mediate the energies of Love, Harmony, and Fellowship to the Egregore of our Fraternity.
All now keep the image of the Holy Seal fixed in their minds, but now adding the symbol of the Rose-Cross superimposed on the Seal. While this is being done, each should also summon within himself the highest feelings of Love, Harmony, and Fellowship that he can muster, and direct this toward the Image. Again, at least a full five minutes should be given for this. When the designated time is up, the Overseer speaks.
Overseer: Dear Queen, our Aim has been accomplished.
Queen: For this we give thanks to the Most High. How do you fare?
Overseer: All is well with us.
Queen: Then under the authority of the Opener of the Ways and the Manu El-heh-sedek let the Temple of the Hive be closed.
Overseer now closes the Quarter Gates, starting with the East.
Overseer: Raphael, Archangel of the East, we thank Thee for Thy presence here. Return now to Thy proper place, to come again when there is need. In the name of the Most High, I close the East.
(Makes pentagram - extinguishes two Quarter candies)
Overseer: Michael, Archangel of the South, we thank Thee for Thy presence here. Return now to Thy proper place, to come again when there is need. In the name of the Most High, I close the South.
(Makes pentagram - extinguishes two Quarter candies)
Overseer: Gabriel, Archangel of the West, we thank Thee for Thy presence here. Return now to Thy proper place, to come again when there is need. In the name of the Most High, I close the West.
(Makes pentagram - extinguishes two Quarter candies)
Overseer: Uriel, Archangel of the North, we thank Thee for Thy presence here. Return now to Thy proper place, to come again when there is need. In the name of the Most High, I close the North.
(Makes pentagram - extinguishes two Quarter candles - returns to East)
Overseer: The Temple is closed.
Queen: Let us depart in the name of the Prince of Peace.
All now leave the ritual area. The Queen moves widdershins to the East, and takes the arm offered to her by the Overseer. They make three widdershins circumambulations and leave the circle. When they have departed, all others depart by making three widdershins circumambulations and leaving the circle. Let the Light on the central Altar burn for another hour.
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