Ja, Sterzoeker stamt ook van een hele oude lineage, vandaar deze openbaring van rituelen en mysterie spelen.
In de toekomst zal Sterzoeker de Engelse Mysterie spelen zeker nog vertalen naar het Nederlands, tot die tijd volgt hier al vast de Engels versie van; Preparing the Boat for the Flood.

Necessities; Personal candles, white candles, white robes and altarcloths, white flowers, wondercandle, little amethyst gemstone, four bowls with water.
Four officers start with QC and Qabalistic opening.
First spark; When the battle of the Gods had taken place and the Earth was created; when the body of Tiamat had been split, when the body of the great Sea dragon had been divided and the Salt Waters of Space had been divided from the Salt Waters of the Earth; when the Gods had made a space- a stage for the World and for humanity- in that time the Great Flood took place. Tiamat, the Great Sea Dragon, the Red Sea, the Ocean of blood has changed in to the Great Womb of the Goddess. The Grail in which life and Death interchanged realities. Life in Death and Death in Life are interchangeable. It is an eternal birth process in which every hero and heroin ever born on earth sails on the Oceans of this Bitter Sea Marah. To understand this mystery you need to become aware of your True Face. In Darkness there is light.
Wondercandle (one round)
The Body of the Night Goddess is clad in jewels. Every living soul is a star.
Goes to everybody in turn (repeat)
Show me your authentic face before you were born!
Everybody lifts their personal candle. Goes round with a taper. Makes the fire triangle over the forehead.
I light your heart between the eyes;
Lights personal candle of everybody
The light of this star is lit. I insert in you the God-gene
So that you will always be able to reconnect to the Source.
Insert the Amethyst stone.
Aan deze blog wordt nog geschreven, later volgt meer moois!
wanneer volgt de rest van dit ritueel?